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Professionals Delivering Client Service and Satisfaction

Combined Expertise And Cooperation Getting The Best Results For You

Solicitors, Arbitrators, Mediators – professionals working together on your behalf

When a relationship breaks down and couples divorce or separate, there will often be a multitude of different scenarios to deal with – the physical impact on each person’s life, financial implications, decisions regarding future family dynamics. Having experts to help you make those decisions and ensure you get the best outcome for you and your family is vital. The Certainty Project – designed by professionals who have many years’ experience working with couples and families going through separation and divorce – provides a process that enables you to have access to those experts and professionals.

Why use The Certainty Project?

Elements To Consider

The project is a holistic process designed to be flexible and work to your timetable. It will ensure you will receive the benefit of working with an expert at every stage and keep stress levels to a minimum.

How does it work?

The Certainty Project works within the existing family law dispute resolution options of both mediation and arbitration to your absolute benefit. Mediation helps clients reach their own solution on a level playing field. If not all matters are resolved clients can move to Arbitration for unresolved matters.
Having made the difficult decision to end a relationship, one of the big questions that remains for parties is how best to come to a fair and reasonable agreement with their former partner. This is particularly the case if you have children and you and your former partner are going to need to co-parent into the future.

What is The Certainty Project?

You and your former partner agree to work within the framework of The Certainty Project and appoint solicitors who understand the project and agree to work to the project’s ethos of cooperation and non-confrontational provision of expert advice.

Mediation and Arbitration


What the clients get out of The Certainty Project:   Professionalism – all professionals working together in the best interests of the client. You will have the comfort of that expert knowledge and will be helped to conclude unresolved matters. There is flexibility from the outset and the process is expected overall to save time and money – remember, delay, antagonism and stress equals cost.

The Process

Children Matters

Financial Matters

The Certainty Project Founders

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